Being a Humble Devotee
Hi, I just wanted to share a couple of insights abought being humble.
Being humble means to give up the need for respect and generously give respect to others.
This isnt just a nice idea. It’s considered critical to realising God.
Without the holy name there is no question of seeing God’s face and without utter humbleness there is no chance of getting the mercy of the Holy Name.
Please read this excerpt from Srila Prabhupadas speach where he speaks to Humility
Lecture on BG 4.9 -- Montreal, June 19, 1968:
The māyā's attraction, the last snare of māyā is in this material conception of life, that so many identification, "I am this," "I am that," "I am that," "I am big man," "I am rich man," "I am prime minister," then so on, so on. When we are frustrated in all these attempts, then we try to become God. I am God. This is the last snare of māyā. But this Kṛṣṇa consciousness philosophy is just the opposite. What to speak of God? He is to think himself as the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of God (CC Madhya 13.80).
So in one way it is very difficult. Therefore Caitanya Mahāprabhu instructs that who can become in Kṛṣṇa consciousness? Kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ (CC Adi 17.31). Who can chant Hare Kṛṣṇa very nicely? Tṛṇād api sunīcena. Tṛṇād api sunīcena means who thinks himself lower than the straw in the street, I am lower than. Humble, very humble. Tṛṇād api sunīcena taror api sahiṣṇunā. Tolerant more than the tree.
You know the trees are very much tolerant. They are giving you shelter, they are giving you shadow, and they are giving you protection from birds(?) and so many things, giving you fruits. You are taking woods, leaves, flowers, but the trees do not make any protest. They are standing silently. Therefore they are very tolerant. The example of toleration is trees. So Caitanya Mahāprabhu said that one has to become humbler than the grass or straw in the street, tolerant than the tree, and amāninā, and refusing all kinds of respectful addresses from others, but offering all respect to others. He's not prepared to accept any respect from others, but he is prepared to give all respect to others.
Guilt is the voice of Paramatma
By Mandraghosh Das
Hare Krishna
We have heard that humility is a proper mood for book distribution and it's good that Krishna reminds us of this on the streets. One afternoon I was out on books in Sydney's CBD, having had a nice early start with books practically flying out of my hands it was only natural for me to start thinking that I was the doer. Welling with pride I could only see this day getting better when a young man walks up to me and asks if he could see one of the books, Me thinking "wow I'm so pure, people are now approaching me! " I gladly handed him a book, and to my shock this young fella took out a pen and scribbled all over the cover of the book I handed him. Then he threw the scribbled book on the ground and started to walk away. Raging with anger, I screamed at him "Oi! What is wrong with you? You stupid or what?" I may have said some other impolite words too.
As he disappeared in the crowd, I just stared at the book thinking who is going to take this now? This book is ruined. I stood there trying to check my anger and carried on with my day. As my mind began to assess this whole incident, I started feeling guilty about how I spoke to him. Remembering a class from HH Radhanath Swami saying that "Guilt is the voice of Paramatma." I realised that whatever the reason, I should have been more composed and shouldn't have been disrespectful. Only If I could see that person again, maybe I can apologize for my misbehavior.
Almost an hour later, I saw the same young man standing close to me. Before I could even speak, he handed me a $20 note and said that's for you. As I accepted the note, I asked him why he scribbled the book before? He said he had seen a tik tok video like that and wanted to try it, thinking it was cool. I also asked him why he came back to which he said "I was feeling guilty. I had to come back." Hearing him say that I took the opportunity and apologized. I told him how I was feeling guilty too for being rude. Then our conversation became very friendly and turned out to be one of the best exchanges I ever had. He was very favorable and happily took some books (yes! the scribbled one along with a few more) and said he would like to visit us at the temple.
After the exchange I was left smiling thinking, I hope he gets to visit sometime, will just have to protect them newly painted Temple walls.
Aspiring to be a humble servant
Mandraghosh Das
Bhakta Journal from 2012
By Muchukunda Das
Today woke up at 6 did rounds, went to kirtan and class by Jaganath Ram Prabhu. He said we need to get firm faith by reading Bhagavatam so when some reverse happens, we don't lose faith. Today breaky was served outside which I always love . But it was a bit to chilly for me do I sar in the Shram and honored it there then xways, from 12-1 I gave my resumes out and bought some tea tree mouthwash and floss.
Went back to Crossways and talked to ash about screen printing and NEIS program, had lunch w Jeffrey Prabhu at Gopals and I asked him why is it that although we know that the pleasure of eating comes from the contact of the food w the tongue and therefore the longer, we keep it there by chewing longer the longer we enjoy do we just swallow it after the least amount of chewing pos? He didn't know the answer, but we concluded it is mode of passion.
The sago rocked the house then I went to xways and did some ds and talked to Bruno and mike two champs about education and how parents and teachers should have to under go some type of training to qualify them to be in a position of leadership and about how the overpopulation myth is due to ignorance of the alternative that we don't have to consume as much as we do. There is enough to satisfy everyones need but not enough to satisfy one persons greed. Was a really good chat too and as we unpacked the xways can at around 11 I saw Jason and he gave me a camera which is awesome! Then after xways I did some sketches for a logo for and Manoj Kumar gave good useful feedback.
Then went to Krsna fest and Nanda led the kirtan of my life. Nothing special just his Bhakti affected me deeply. I realised it's all about giving pleasure to the divine couple by singing and dancing. So simple, so sweet. So innocent and beautiful. When I'm hearing the chant, I'm being bathed completely (sarvaatma snapanam) bathing my soul and it's so soothing and so important. And when every one is dancing so sweetly I sense that they are the most amazing people because they are dancing beautifully for the pleasure of the divine couple whether they know or know not, they are performing the ecstatic loving activities of the spiritual world.
Then talked to Rich over dinner about how amazing this world is and stuff and here's my fave part of the convo: Bhakta Rich: I realised in kirtan the more you give the more you get.
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Love you’s