Those Hare Krishnas
Going Against the Grain of Transhumanism

Going Against the Grain of Transhumanism

Hey again.
I wrote a shorter version of my non-sci-fi story and made it into a podcast. Have a listen.

In the year 2022, the world had become completely integrated with AI. People were living in a virtual reality at all times, connected to the machines that controlled their every thought and action. The technology had advanced to the point where people could no longer tell the difference between reality and the virtual world they inhabited.

Gender had become a thing of the past. The notion of traditional gender roles was rejected, and people were expected to adopt gender-neutral identities and behaviors. The virtues of masculinity and femininity were seen as outdated and oppressive, and people were taught that they should strive to be genderless and neutral.

As I delved deeper into the ancient wisdom of Srimad Bhagavatam, a sacred text in the Vaisnava tradition, I began to see that this rejection of traditional gender roles was not only misguided but dangerous. It was a manifestation of the demons' influence, which sought to distract us from our true purpose and turn us away from our spiritual path.

The demons had long been at war with the spiritual world, and their ultimate goal was to subvert and corrupt humanity. They knew that by turning us away from our spiritual nature, they could gain control over our lives and steer us towards their own agenda.

As I studied the Bhagavatam, I began to see that the virtues of masculinity and femininity were not toxic or weak, but rather essential parts of our spiritual journey. The text spoke of the importance of balance and harmony in all things, including the relationships between men and women.

The Bhagavatam describes the nature of the Supreme Being as possessing both masculine and feminine energies, and how these energies work in tandem to create and sustain the universe. The masculine energy is described as being powerful and dynamic, while the feminine energy is described as being nurturing and loving.

These energies are not limited to a particular gender, but rather exist within all living beings. Men and women are not the same, and their natural strengths and weaknesses should be embraced and celebrated rather than rejected.

As I began to share these insights with others, I found that many people were receptive to my message. They had grown tired of the virtual world that had been created around them, and were searching for a way to reconnect with their spiritual nature.

Together, we began to question the assumptions that had led us down this path. We began to see that the rejection of traditional gender roles was not only misguided but also harmful. The world had become imbalanced, and the virtues of masculinity and femininity were necessary to restore that balance.

We recognized that men and women had unique roles to play in society, based on their natural strengths and weaknesses. Men were not toxic, but rather possessed powerful masculine energies that were needed to create and sustain the world around them. Women were not weak, but rather possessed nurturing feminine energies that were needed to care for and sustain life.

We began to embrace these ideas, and as we did so, we found that our lives became more fulfilling and balanced. We discovered a sense of harmony that had been missing, and we found that we were able to connect with each other on a deeper level.

The tech companies that had once held so much power over our lives began to lose our interest and investment. We abandoned all technology and started doing things naturally, like our ancestors. We grew our own food, built our own homes, and began to live in harmony with the natural world around us.

As we disconnected from the virtual world, we began to connect with our spiritual nature. We learned to live in balance with the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves, and in doing so, we found a new sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

In the end, we had created a new world, one that was grounded in the timeless wisdom of our spiritual tradition.


Those Hare Krishnas
All things related to Krishna consciousness